Our Vision

The mission of Ai Quest (AiQ) is to help organizations and knowledge workers to explore and realize their true potential in the Artificial Intelligence (AI) realm. The true potential of Big Data in the AI realm goes beyond implementing new technologies and having  appropriate data analytics. The strategy must include well trained resources, right  performance measures that affect the corporate performance, exploiting existing  technological resources to maximize the value and continuous investment in corporate training.
With a cumulative experience of eighty years in management consulting, executive training, technology training, software delivery and talent solutions, AiQ is ideally poised to harness your organization’s AI potential. We combine our expertise with real-world knowledge designed to create solutions which can add substantial value to the organization by improving corporate performance.

We Understand Your Business

Big Data should not be viewed by your business as an added cost but something that can enhance customer experience and spur growth. A recent article in the Journal of Management Information Systems (Vol 35, 2018, Issue 2, The Effect of Big Data and Analytics on Firm Performance: An Econometric Analysis Considering Industry Characteristics, concluded that big data and analytics (BDA) assets are associated with an average of 3–7 percent

improvement in firm productivity.

AI Quest founders have amassed deep expertise in a broad range of industries including technology, business services, consumer goods, retail, healthcare, banking and financial services, government and higher education, oil and gas,

telecommunications, pharmaceuticals and many more.

Big Data is becoming important not only for large multinational corporations but also for SME, Small and Medium Enterprises, as data need and volume is increasing at an exponential rate. Service firms feel the need to collect information about intangible measures as they are affecting the firm performance. The proprietary frame takes into consideration the 4Vs of Big Data: Volume, Velocity of data capture, Veracity and Variety of data.