Founders Profile

The founders of AI Quest have over 80 years of collective experience in the field of training,executive education, management consulting, Big Data solution end-to-end implementation,recruiting for technology companies and providing tailor-made solutions to a variety of clients in India, Canada and the USA. The founders have proven a track-record of building companies, publishing peer-reviewed research articles and providing in-field solutions.

Ganesan Vetriselvan (Founder)

The founders of AI Quest have over 80 years of collective experience in the field of training,executive education, management consulting, Big Data solution end-to-end implementation,recruiting for technology companies and providing tailor-made solutions to a variety of clients in India, Canada and the USA. The founders have proven a track-record of building companies, publishing peer-reviewed research articles and providing in-field solutions.

Rajesh Kumar Tyagi (Founder)

Dr. Rajesh Tyagi is a cofounder of AI Quest, and AI Big Data, a complete solution firm spanning its reach in Canada, USA, Europe and India. Dr. Rajesh Tyagi currently teaches at the Executive MBA level, and is associated with the Canada-India Centre for Excellence,Carleton University. Dr. Tyagi has worked at the National Research Council of Canada as a researcher, as well as taught at The Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University and HEC Montreal. He has published over a dozen articles and book chapters in the field of Big Data Analytics and related fields. He is the co-author of Six Sigma for Transactions and Service (2005) and A Complete and Balanced Service Scorecard: Creating Value Through Sustained Performance Improvement (2008). Earlier,
 Dr. Tyagi co-founded a biomedical device manufacturing company in Singapore. Dr. Tyagi received his master’s degree from IIT Powai (Chemical Engineering) and PhD. (Chemical Engineering) from the University of Ottawa, and MBA from The Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University.

Ramesh Sadashivan (Founder)

Ramesh Sadashivan is a cofounder of AI Quest and AI Big Data, a complete solution firm spanning its reach in Canada, USA, Europe and India. For the last 10 years, Ramesh Sadashivan has been running a boutique HR consulting firm, TML Inc., based in Bangalore, India, while managing a roster of Global clients with a focus on talent strategy. Before founding TML Inc., Ramesh cofounded two of India’s leading HR consulting firms. Ramesh started his career with a global multi-national in a marketing management role, subsequently moving to a technology consulting assignment. At the startup, Ramesh helped scale up the company from a garage setup to a well-known brand in the tech recruiting field.
Ramesh has an extensive experience in technology consulting, recruiting in the areas of Artificial Intelligence domain and Big Data. Ramesh is an MBA graduate of Bharathidasan University and has a Bachelor of Science from University of Madras (India).

Kumaresan Muthukrishnan (Founder)

Mr. Muthukrishnan has over 20 years rich experience in Information Technology & Software development and database administration working on numerous consulting assignments and working in a corporate environment. Mr Muthukrishnan has worked for Global IT companies, namely, Oracle and i-flex solutions operating across the globe. Kumaresan has extensive experience in planning and implementing state-of-the-art banking product – Flexcube across the globe independently and in a team for banking customers. He has entrepreneurial experience and is now a proven full-time entrepreneur with various business interests. He is a seasoned professional with business experience both in Canada and India with deep operational insights from the high-tech industry. Mr. Muthukrishnan has led and managed a team of talented and skilled engineers working on complex database issues while working closely with all the stakeholders. His expertise is in the following areas: Oracle and SQL Server Databases, Business Intelligence, Hadoop Administration, IT Infrastructure and Middleware specialist.Middleware specialist.
Mr Muthukrishnan is a certified Oracle Database Administrator, and received his B. Sc. and Master in Computer Applications From Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, India.

Austhin Madavane (Partner)